Paramedic Services
If you need an ambulance, please call 9-1-1.
Learn more about the Medical Priority Dispatch System
Quick Facts
We respond to calls in the County of Haliburton as well as parts of the surrounding counties.
We employ about 50 Primary Care Paramedics.
We operate 7 front line ambulances
We have 3 bases in Haliburton, Minden and Tory Hill.
We respond to about 4,000 calls per year.
The Province of Ontario operates our Ambulance Dispatch centre from Lindsay, Ontario.
What to do when you need to call for an ambulance
Try to stay calm and dial 9-1-1
The operator will ask if you need Police, Fire or Ambulance – state that you need the ambulance. They will then transfer you to our dispatch centre in Lindsay.
Make sure you know your 9-1-1 address. Have the information posted somewhere near the phone or in a highly visible space. If you have guests, make sure they can see the information easily if needed. The operator will also ask you the closest major intersection to your address.
Be prepared to answer questions – the operator will want to know details about the patient such as age and medical history and what happened. Try to speak calmly so that they can get the information as quickly as possible.
Follow any advice that the operator gives you.
If more than one person is available, have someone look out for and direct the paramedics to the scene. At night, turn on the outside lights.
Make sure the entry way is clear of obstacles.
If possible, lock pets in another room. Dogs want to protect their owners and can become upset!