Applications Licences and Permits
We have a number of commonly requested applications, licenses and permits available on line:
Addressing |
To apply for a new 911 Civic Address sign please visit our Addressing page. |
Animal Licensing |
Animal licenses are issued at our lower tier Municipalities. Please visit our Who Does What page for more information. |
Building Permits |
Building Permits are issued at our lower tier Municipalities. Please visit our Who Does What page for more information. |
Condominium Exemption |
Plans of condominium are subject to the same legislated criteria as plans of subdivision. In the case of plans of condominium, there may be circumstances in which all relevant planning considerations have been reviewed and found acceptable in the context of other planning applications for the development. In these circumstances, a condominium exemption may be appropriate when creating conveyable units on an existing property which has a building or buildings that are already built. The link to the Condominium Exemption Application is not available at the moment. Planning staff are in the process of converting the application form into an accessible document. A copy of the application can be made available to you by contacting the Planning Department by calling phone number 705-286-1333. |
Entrance Permits |
Entrance permits can be found on our Roads And Signs Permits page |
Fire and Burning |
Fire and Burning Permits are issued at our lower tier Municipalities. Please visit our Who Does What page for more information. |
Freedom of Information Request |
The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) provides a right of access to information for records in the custody and control of the Municipality. Visit our Freedom of Information page for further information. |
Occupancy Permits |
Occupancy permits can be found on our Roads And Signs Permits page |
Oversize/Overweight Permits |
Oversize/Overweight Permits can be found on our Roads And Signs Permits page |
Plan of Subdivision and/or Plan of Condominium |
A Plan of Subdivision and/or Plan of Condominium is required when a piece of land is divided into multiple blocks, lots or units. The County of Haliburton is the approval authority to process and approve plans of subdivision and plans of condominium. The link to the application for a Plan of Subdivision and/or Plan of Condominium is not available at the moment. Planning staff are in the process of converting the application form into an accessible document. A copy of the application can be made available to you by contacting the Planning Department by calling phone number 705-286-1333. |
Sign Permits |
Sign Permits can be found on our Roads And Signs Permits page |
Special Events Permits |
Special Events Permits can be found on our Roads And Signs Permits page |