County of Haliburton FoodCycler Program
Haliburton County Council has approved an expanded FoodCycler pilot program.
Residents of the County of Haliburton will have the opportunity to pilot an at-home food waste diversion solution that will reduce the amount of organic waste headed to our landfill sites.
The Township of Algonquin Highlands, the Municipality of Dysart et al, and the Township of Minden Hills offered FoodCycler pilot programs in 2021 and 2022. These initial pilot programs were extremely successful for waste reduction and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
In partnership with Food Cycle Science, the County of Haliburton will be offering 500 FoodCycler units at a subsidized price for residents to use in their homes. Should more than 500 households request participation, households will be selected to participate through a lottery system. Participants will be expected to track the amount of food waste they have diverted for 12 weeks to estimate the total impact of the pilot program.
The program benefits from funding received from Food Cycle Science through the Impact Canada Food Waste Reduction Challenge, municipal discounts from Food Cycle Science, and subsidization from the County of Haliburton. Two types of units will be offered through this expanded pilot program. The FC-30, which is the unit that was offered in the initial pilot programs, and the Maestro, which has double the capacity for food waste. The FC-30 will be available for $100 plus tax through this program (typically retails for $500) and the Maestro will be available for $200 plus tax (typically retails for $800).
To register for the program, visit:
Registration closes on March 17, 2023. All registrants will be emailed about the status of their participation.
If you have any questions, please contact Korey McKay, Climate Change Coordinator at 705-286-1333 ext. 242 or