Announcing the Haliburton County OPP Detachment Board

Announcing the Haliburton County OPP Detachment Board
October 11, 2024
The County of Haliburton is pleased to announce that the Haliburton County OPP Detachment Board has been formed.
In March 2019, the Ontario government passed the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (“CSPA”) as part of the Comprehensive Ontario Policy Services Act, 2019. The CSPA came into effect on April 1, 2024 and replaced the Police Services Act, 1990.
Under the new legislation, the Haliburton County OPP Detachment Board will have a more clearly defined and expanded role in the community. The Board has undertaken a number of steps to ensure compliance with the legislation and applicable regulations. Details outlining these changes can be found in staff report CAO-04-2024 New County of Haliburton OPP Detachment Board, CSWB-03-2024 Police Detachment Board – Annual Report, and CSWB-04-2024 Police Detachment Board – Board Composition Update.
Across the Province, OPP Detachment Boards provide civilian input about how policing is provided in their local communities by the OPP. The Haliburton County Detachment Board is a civilian body that oversees the Haliburton Highlands OPP Detachment. The roles and responsibilities of OPP Detachment Boards are set out under Section 68(1) of the CSPA:
- Consult with the Commissioner regarding the selection of a Detachment Commander and otherwise participate, in accordance with the regulations made by the Minister, in the selection of the Detachment Commander;
- Determine objectives and priorities for the Detachment, not inconsistent with the Strategic Plan prepared by the Minister, after consultation with the Detachment Commander or his or her designate;
- Advise the Detachment Commander with respect to policing provided by the Detachment;
- Monitor the performance of the Detachment Commander;
- Review the reports from the Detachment Commander regarding policing provided by the Detachment;
- On or before June 30 of each year, provide an annual report to the Haliburton County Council regarding the policing provided by the Detachment in their municipalities.
The Board is comprised of seven members. Six members are appointed for the term of Council, including four Council Appointees (one from each of the lower-tier municipalities) and two Community Member appointees. One Provincial Appointee is appointed for a term set by the Minister. The current Board composition is:
- Mayor Bob Carter (Minden Hills)
- Mayor Dave Burton (Highlands East)
- Mayor Liz Danielsen (Algonquin Highlands)
- Deputy-Mayor Walt McKechnie (Dysart et al)
- Andrew Fletcher, Community Member Appointee
- Andy Chvedukas, Community Member Appointee
- Andrew Hodgson, Provincial Appointee
The noted community members have fulfilled or are fulfilling the provincial obligations required to be board members prior to the inaugural meeting.
Staff Resources include Detachment Commander Michael Cavanagh, Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Coordinator Sue Tiffin and Executive Assistant Pam Weiss.
Public notice about the inaugural Haliburton County OPP Detachment Board meeting will be made in the coming weeks.
If you would like to provide a Deputation, Correspondence or Public Comment at a Board Meeting, or for questions relating to the Board, please contact:
Haliburton County OPP Detachment Board
Box 399
Minden, Ontario, K0M 2K0