2022-9-a Surface Treatment

CONTRACT NO. 2022-9-a
LOCATION: Various Locations throughout the County of Haliburton and the Township of Algonquin Highlands
SCOPE OF WORK: Without limiting the generality of the contract, the work comprising the contract consists of, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:
County of Haliburton
- Pulverization of the existing road surface 150mm, re-shaping/grading and compaction of the road way cross-section
- Single Surface Treatment
- Double Surface Treatment
- The placement of quarried granite granular ‘A’ to the road base, shoulders and granular entrances, compacted and shaped to desired cross-fall, and placement of final shouldering material
- The supply and placement of Fog Seal
Township of Algonquin Highlands
- Single Surface Treatment
- Slurry Seal
- The supply and placement of Fog Seal
*NOTE* This SCOPE OF WORK is a generalization, please see Form of Tender and Section F for more detail and a breakdown of these items.
Sealed Tenders on the forms supplied will be received via www.Biddingo.com
Until: 1:00 p.m. Local Time on Thursday, February 17, 2022
Tender Forms can be downloaded via www.Biddingo.com
Please direct all inquiries to the Public Works Department